Excerpt From Miami Herald Article: Miami-Dade tax roll up 3.39%
Excerpted Artcle
View the full article at http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/07/01/v-print/3480569/miami-dade-tax-roll-up-339-percent.html
This alert is intended to update all clients with regard to the continuing need to exercise extreme diligence with regard to identity theft.
We have previously reported that fraudulent Federal Income Tax returns have been submitted using the social security numbers of police officers and firefighters, as part of an identity theft scheme.
We have now learned of at least one Florida city where the debit cards of public safety officers have apparently been impacted.
For this reason, we recommend that any suspicious activity should immediately be reported.
If a governmental entity or third party administrator thinks that it employees/retirees may have been affected by the previously reported Federal Income Tax scam, we recommend, in an abundance of caution, that all employees/retirees should be advised that they may want to:
135 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 · 850-224-6926 · FAX 850-224-2266 · www.flaflcio.org
The Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee has been holding hearings over the past few weeks concerning radical changes to Florida’s public pension systems, both the FRS and local plans. In spite of the fact that all of the information indicates our pension systems are strong and contributing to our overall economy, some seem determined to continue a dangerous course. This Friday, February 18th at 8:00 AM they are holding a public hearing on pensions in Tallahassee. All workers and retirees are needed to contact your elected officials and tell them to leave our public sector pensions alone!
* Florida’s budget is facing an over $3.5 billion deficit yet they are still talking about tax cuts for the wealthy and eliminating all corporate taxes! In order to pay for those tax cuts, they want to raid our pension systems which are some of the strongest in the nation.
* Legislators want to force public sector employees to pay 5% toward their pension contributions, amounting to a new income tax on our teachers, firefighters, police officers, state and local government workers. Public servants who have sacrificed raises over the past few years to balance state and local budgets and are paid at levels below their private sector counterparts.
* Closing the Defined Benefit plan for all new hires, forcing them into risky 401k plans where Wall Street will gamble with our tax dollars. Forcing all new hires into defined contribution plans will cost all taxpayers $150 million the first year, $300 million the second, $450 million the third and so on until 2018!
If you can’t travel to Tallahassee, please contact Phyllis Garrett at pgarett@flaflcio.org
Below are the Legislative Committee Members and Phone Numbers
Jeremy Ring 850- 487-5094
Gary Siplin 850-487-5190
Gwen Margolis 850-487-5121
Lizbeth Benacquisto 850-487-5356
Ellyn Bogdanoff 850-487-5100
Charles Dean 850-487-5017
Mike Fasano 850-487-5062
Anitere Flores 850-487-5130
Rene Garcia 850-487-5106
Bill Montford 850-487-5004